ABAP program in SAP in system. I show how create ABAP program with SAP syntax and create easy ABAP code with results on SAP screen. You get info about creating ABAP program and will understand it’s not rocket science!
Using the example of a simple ABAP program, I will analyze code useful for beginning ABAP developers. We create a new local SAP program. A simple ABAP selection screen, a database query using the SELECT construct, an internal table, BREAK-POINT and displaying the table on the screen. All this in a new video:
Example ABAP program in SAP:
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REPORT zabapblog. PARAMETERS p_date TYPE sy-datum DEFAULT '20160527'. SELECT carrid, connid, fldate, price INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_sflight) FROM sflight WHERE fldate = @p_date. BREAK-POINT. cl_demo_output=>display( lt_sflight ). |
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