Convert STRING to table ABAP with using function module SO_STRING_TO_TAB useful when you need to create email in ABAP program. Because for creating HTML document with using, for example cl_document_bcs=>create_document you need to send internal table with table type ABAP SOLI_TAB (rows for this type table SOLI).

Example of convert string to table ABAP in SAP
Transfer string to internal table SAP ABAP with using SO_STRING_TO_TAB before creating email in ABAP program SAP. In method cl_document_bcs=>create_document you need to send internal table ABAP with table type ABAP SOLI_TAB (rows for this type table SOLI).
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DATA lt_body TYPE SOLI_TAB. DATA(lv_title) = CONV so_obj_des( | Order № ... | ). DATA(lv_text) = | Order № ... deleted. Please, check information! |. CALL FUNCTION 'SO_STRING_TO_TAB' EXPORTING content_str = lv_text TABLES content_tab = lt_body. DATA(lcl_bcs) = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). DATA(lcl_document) = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'HTM' i_subject = lv_title i_text = lt_body ). .......... |
Parameters function module SO_STRING_TO_TAB SAP ABAP
The input is a string variable. The output is an internal table ABAP with rows type SOLI: