Category Archives: ABAP

Articles on ABAP programming will be useful for both ABAP developers and SAP consultants. I will analyze both ABAP from scratch and the new syntax of ABAP 7.4 and 7.5. I will describe in detail the technical details that I encountered and how I solved them. I will also try to help consultants look beyond ABAP development in order to better understand how everything works.

CONV ABAP. Type conversion in ABAP with NEW ABAP syntax

CONV ABAP operator in new syntax ABAP for conversion types. CONV ABAP help with task to compare two variables with different types or the need to save a value in a variable of a certain type for further use. Sometimes there is a need to explicitly show the conversion of one field to another in the code. The new construction of the new ABAP syntax will help us with all these tasks.

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