Adding/subtracting a month to/from a date in SAP ABAP can be done with the FM MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE. Operations with months are not so frequent, but just as useful. For example, calculate the end date of a contract that expires in half a year. In order to subtract the desired number of months, we simply pass a negative number to the months parameter.
Function module MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE example:
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"for example, lv_datum_old = '20230814'. CALL FUNCTION 'MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE' EXPORTING months = '-1' olddate = lv_datum_old IMPORTING newdate = lv_datum. " as a result lv_datum = '20230714'. |

Main settings:
- months – number of months. (months=6)
- olddate – start date before action (olddate = 04/18/2022)
- newdate – result after action(newdate = 10/18/2022)
All function method MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE signature with types:

In what task did you use this FM? Do you know an alternative to this Functional module? Write in the comments!